Build on Trust

Photo 1 - My son-in-law Tucker has his arms out to catch his 3-year-old son named Sully.  Sully does not say, “No dad, are you sure - no dad, you won’t drop me will you – no dad, can I trust you?”.   INSTEAD, he jumps, with no hesitation but flings out his arms and flies to his dad.  Another illustration I can think of was recently a large homebuilding company in Rochester using the words BUILD ON TRUST.  If I was to build a new home, I would take those 3 words seriously.  TRUST; rely on, depend on their reputation, count on them from foundation to the last shingle.    Proverbs 3:5-6 has been my verse on trust all my life.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own understanding.  Acknowledge the Lord in all your ways, and He will direct your path.
— Proverbs 3:5-6

Photo two – Jode and I have spent a lot of time the past year reading the Psalms and Proverbs. The verses in this picture are from Proverbs 20: 21-26.  Being in a wheelchair for 51-plus years with amazing good health, I was told from an MRI at Mayo that I had pancreatic cancer.  Surgery was successful but the following several months continue to be challenging.  Thanks to many of you for your prayers, cards, and love.  Verse 24, is a continual reminder, for me, to leave my future and health in the Lord’s hands. I am up to over 18,500 extra days.

CLOSER:  Four thoughts I have carried over from last year (C.H.A.P.) Contentment – a contented heart lets you enjoy what you have – Proverbs 15:13 “A contented grateful heart is good medicine, but a wounded heart dries the bones.” Heart – “Guard your heart with all diligence, for it determines the course of your life.”  Proverbs 4:23   Attitude – My choice of attitude is the most important decision I can make on a day-to-day basis.   Philippians 4:6-8  Peace – The calmness of your heart when it is in harmony with God, self, and others.    Isaiah 26:3

I  get reminded daily of Ephesians 3:20

“Unto Him who is able to do exceeding more that I can ask or think.”


We need an ear to listen, a heart to care, a word of encouragement, and a hand to help
— Jimmy Carter

Ironwood SpringsComment
Oh Happy Day!

PHOTO 1 – One of my highlights of the National Wheelchair Sports Camp was the waterski day, and thanks to Kevin Carr who provided a kayak with outriggers, I had fun paddling around the lake. 

PHOTO 2 Tony Melendez. Tony and his brother Jose have been coming to Ironwood for 15 years.  The name of their band is called, “ToeJamMusic” Tony born with no arms has chosen to take what God gave him and bring inspiration, encouragement and the JOY of the Lord around the world playing guitar with his toes.

PHOTO  3 – Personal – I have been challenged with a wound on my back leaving me hooked up to a Wound Vac to help with healing. In April, I had an MRI showing I had cancer in my pancreas.

That has started a mild round of Chemotherapy twice monthly. Last week I went in for a follow-up and the nurse said, “OH HAPPY DAY”.   She rarely gives out such positive and “miracles happen” messages of progress and healing.  I received this card from some good friends – what a great message.

Thanks to many of you for your prayers, cards, and visits.  I am definitely on the mend and soon this cancer marathon will reach the finish line.

Happy 4th of July!   “America, God shed His Grace on you”.


PHOTO ONE – All winter long I wait for the arrival of May and the amazing WILD BLUEBELL patch across the Root River. As soon as the rains come and the ground warms up they never fail to come alive and display some of God’s incredible delicate beauty.  Matthew 6:28-30 “…Consider the lilies of the field…”Solomon in all his glory was not as beautiful as the lilies and I will include the BLUEBELLS at Ironwood.

PHOTO TWO – Jode and I were just blessed with our 6th grandchild and 2nd granddaughter named Ellie.  She was born May 19th.   The verse we have chosen to celebrate her birth is Psalm 4:7 “You have given me greater JOY than those who have abundant harvest of grain and new wine.” Psalm 127:3-4 “Children are a heritage from the Lord…” Children are called a gift from the Lord, because of this God cares about how our children are raised and nurtured.  Jode and I are doubly blessed to have all our grandkids close by.

PHOTO THREE – Speaking in Lacrosse, WI at Leading with Power (faith-based group of business leaders).  After some time off, I am now so blessed to be back as a keynote speaker. I have been a motivational speaker for about 30 years. I have spoken to approx. 125 schools, 150 churches, and many others including marathons, corporate companies, jails, sports banquets, military events, service clubs, hospitals, etc. One of my highlights was being invited to the National Day of Prayer in Washington, DC, and speaking to 300 high-ranking military.

PERSONAL NOTE: I have been dealing with health issues for over a year. Being paralyzed from the waist down has created some wounds on my back for which I am now wearing a Wound-Vac for healing. In addition, I was recently told I have 1st state cancer in my Pancreas for which I am taking chemotherapy.  Doing well so far. The Apostle Paul says, “God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of Love, Power and a Sound Mind.  Thanks to many of you for your prayers, cards, and phone calls. I will keep you updated.

Spring – Time to renew and refresh your heart

PHOTO 1 -  The first day of Spring is now past, let us NOT FORGET some of the lessons we can learn from the change of seasons. 

“As the seasons make their turn, there is a lesson here to learn, broken wings take time to mend, before they learn to fly again…don’t look back into the past, what was fire now is ash, let it all be dead and gone, time is now for MOVIN’ ON, MOVIN’ ON…”  (Stonger than Before, Janny Grein)

Did you know that every time you hear a robin sing, the wind blowing, or the words, “I love you”, 24,000 fibers are vibrating in your ears?” (The Marathons of Life, Bob Bardwell, P.105)   A few other reminders about Spring: warm weather, longer hours, leaves & blossom, birds return, farmers markets open, planting seeds, and our favorite – spring cleaning!

PHOTO 2  -  10 years or so ago, Craig Blanchette (“Blanch” as I call him), Camp Director of the National Wheelchair Sports Camp, began the LOW ROLLER CLUB from his home. It is an inspiring time for many from across the country to get online weekly workouts for one hour. Here are some of the words that were on the 2023 t-shirts. “This is easy, Luxurious, Rest–Rest-Rest, Great job team, Peddle in circles, You’ve got this, Mind over muscle, Legs are optional, Worth every peddle, Check your heart rate, Abs both real and imagined, Wheels on my butt go round and round.” You are all invited to join in at his website Crave Optional Health

PHOTO 3 - This card was given to me long ago and hangs on my desk in front of me. Miracles to me are defined as God and others in your life, I will quote some of them “Spread JOY, Appreciate tranquility, Treasure golden moments, Laugh out loud, Have fun, Share good news, Start a conversation, Mend a relationship, Smile at a stranger, Make a new friend, Praise others and yourself, Open your heart and Fill it with love.”


“Because He lives, I can face tomorrow, because He lives all fear is gone,  because I know He holds the future and life is worth the living, just because He lives…”  (Because He Lives, Bill & Gloria Gaither)

If you know of someone who would like to get my monthly blog? Let me know.  Miracles Happen.

Ironwood SpringsComment

I know the Lord is always with me, I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I will rejoice.” Psalm 62:8-8

Picture 1: Sometimes our plans/activities are flipped upside down. The above phrase is more difficult that we think. We like to be in control (human nature) and often get frustrated when things don’t turn out like we plan. For the past 40+ years Ironwood Springs big winter activity has been snow tubing, welcoming about 5,000 tubers from late December-early March. I know there are many others who depend on snow for their income as well. So far, I like most in the area are enjoying the record setting warm winter days (winter may not be over).

“My God supplies our needs according to His riches…” “God’s work done in God’s way, never lacks God’s supply.” Phlippians 4:19

PHOTO 2 – This book lives up to its name “God’s Vitamin “C” for the Spirit”. The following 10 points are from page 66 .

“TRUTHS FOR THE FAMILIES” ONE- Despite all the changes that disrupt families, God is in control TWO- Even though divorce rates are high, most marriages stay intact. THREE – No family is without problems and periodic crisis.FOUR – All parents make mistakes, but most kids survive well. FIVE – It is possible to have healthy families even in a chaotic and immoral society. SIX – We can raise kids successfully even if we don’t have all the answers. SEVEN – The majority of families are not seriously dysfunctional. EIGHT – Even good parents sometimes have rebellious kids. NINE – Even bad parents sometimes have healthy adjusted kids. TEN – God Loves our families.” Gary R. Collins.

PHOTO 3 – July 16, 2023 was a special day of gratitude and celebration for my 50th anniversary for my accident. I want to thank again all those who showed up to the surprise party at the ranch. Had I known about the party, I would have the mugs available. If you would like this coffee mug, let me know. On the opposite side it says,

“Don’t Quit – Finish Strong – God is Good” 

“God works for the good of those who love Him.”

Romans 8:28

Ironwood SpringsComment
Let all that is within me praise His holy name...

The two words THANKFUL and BLESSED seem to take on a new and fresh meaning each day. First thanking God for His Goodness (Romans 8:28) in our lives and then thanking my wife Jode for her 32 years of love, patience, and many acts of kindness. We are both blessed with 4 children and 5 grandkids. I continue to enjoy my work at the ranch and will continue to help it succeed. Thanks to those of you who continue to share your Time, Talents and Treasure with the ranch. Miracles Happen!

LOOKING BACK: On the last page of my first book, “The Marathons of Life” is this poem

“Looking back it seems to me, all the pain which had to be, left me when the pain was ov’r, richer than I’d been before.

And by every hurt and blow suffered in the long ago, I can face the world today in a bigger kinder way.

Pleasure doesn’t make a man; life requires a sterner plan.

For he who never knows are care, never knows what he can bear.”

2023 - Highlights

  1. Family - We have added another grandson this year - Milo Bear Speltz, bringing the total to 5.

  2. My role in finishing the 3 cabins was: Project Coordinator, Fundraiser, and Encourager. God is good

  3. Celebrated my 50th Anniversary for my accident (photo) July 16, 1973 - July 16, 2023

  4. Due to my back wound, I had to cancel at the last minute going with Jode to Hawaii for our 30th anniversary - daughter Abby went instead. I was happy to stay at home and take care of my health.

  5. Daughter Lydia defended her thesis for her PH.D in Bio-Medical Research and Mayo. She passed with flying colors. Congratulations Lydia!

  6. Attitude Changes Everything was the theme for the 37th Wheelchair Camp. I repeat it every day.

  7. December is my month for singing Christmas songs. “From now on our troubles will be far away” Not sure about that one. How about - “His law is LOVE, and His Gospel is PEACE”.

2024 - Reminders

  1. Fr. President Jimmy Carter reminded us what GIFTS we have that can KEEP ON GIVING. Listening EAR, HEART to Care, WORDS to Encourage and HANDS to Help.

  2. Every December for the past 25 years, I get a card/letter from Hugh and DI Willis who have a ministry in New Zealand called Disability Trust. I was invited to speak there in 1998 on both islands and to complete the 1/2 marathon in Christchurch. The name of their newsletter is, The Encourager. Never let a day go by without encouraging someone.

  3. Micah 6:9 “What does the Lord require of you but to DO JUSTLY, LOVE MERCY, and WALK HUMBLY with your God.”

  4. Life at its BEST is FRAGILE and SHORT. A happy heart makes a good medicine. Prov 17:22.

  5. Go to the movies and watch “The Boys in the Boat’ - ”You don’t get gold at the starting line”.

HAPPY new year, HAPPY the days are getting longer

Let it Snow!


January is the start of the 2024 Marathon. Pace yourself and keep your focus.

Ironwood SpringsComment
Thanksgiving 2023


I have used these two words many times daily this past year, partly due to spending two months in the hospital last fall. The days I am not so thankful with my circumstances, I continue to repeat these two words and I am always amazed by how that can be a reminder that ATTITUDE CHANGES EVERYTHING, and soon I am COUNTING MY BLESSINGS. As a practice, I start each year saying “this will be the BEST YEAR EVER”, and so far I am right on schedule!

One of my favorite photos for THANKSGIVING.

“I will give thanks for the Lord with my whole heart, I will recount all your wonderful deeds.” Psalm 9:1

Wee Care Pre-School in Stewartville has been a part of our family for over twenty years. Our four girls attended when they were young and it had a positive impact on them through the atmosphere and environment of songs and crafts. The photo tells it all. We GIVE THANKS for our family, friends, the lessons we've learned, Bible verses, and teachers. Recently, Jode and I attended the Grandparent Day with our three-year-old grandson, Thomas, who I call TT. Keep up the good work.

Celebrating granddaughter Collins' first birthday. I call her CoCo, and sure enough I found a cereal called CoCo Puffs. Few things are as significant as family coming together for a birthday.

WHO MADE DIRT? A group of scientists came to God thanking Him for creating man out of the dust and said to God, “ We can now make ourselves do we don’t need your help anymore.” One of them picked up a handful of dirt and God said to them, “Get your own dirt”. Moody Radio

Thanks to all of you for your prayers, encouragement, and support with your time, talent and treasure.

Bob Bardwell

Ironwood SpringsComment
Thankful and Blessed

These two words seem to be the TOP choice of words as I end and begin each year.  Am I thankful and blessed for everything that comes my way? Of course not! As expected, I have many challenges, detours, health issues, and the list goes on. I always say, “When the challenges you have go away, you get new ones” AND “God never said He would deliver us from the storms, but through the storms.”  So repeating THANKFUL and BLESSED several times a day, causes me to COUNT MY BLESSINGS and celebrate the day whatever my circumstances.  

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Yes, it does make a HUGE difference in your attitude. I repeat the proverb often,

“A happy, grateful heart makes a good medicine.”

 This white oak tree (outside our bedroom window) just won 1st place in “the most beautiful fall colors” contest in the county.  There were 2 entries both by me.

October 22, 2023  was a DAY OF CELEBRATION for the GRAND OPENING of the three cabins.

After nearly 3 years of the community and the Ironwood family sharing their TIME, TALENT and TREASURE,  we crossed the finish line!. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things…”  

Nearly 130 people got involved with this $500K project (volunteers, contractors & companies); $200K was donated by contractors & $300K was donated by the community. 

Another Miracles Happen at Ironwood, we call it BIG GOD, BIG DREAM, BIG COMMUNITY. These cabins will shorten our waiting list of guests.  Come for a tour, you won’t believe how beautiful they turned out.   


 “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1

Bob Bardwell  

Miracles Happen

Ironwood SpringsComment

I have used the above theme for many years with the expansion and growth of the ranch facilities.   BIG GOD, Ephesians 3:20 “The Lord can do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY more that we can ask or think.” Always remembering to wait on God’s direction and wisdom.   BIG DREAM, “Be strong and courageous and GET TO WORK. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task for I am the Lord thy God, I will not fail you nor forsake you. I will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” I Chronicles 28:20 BIG COMMUNITY,  “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1 .

The dream for these cabins started in 2019 and now we are nearing completion. To cross the finish line, your support is needed: $900 shades, $1100 eaves spouts, $3200 blacktop and $500 sod (per cabin). Nearly 7,000 volunteer hours which includes 150 people and companies involved, their outpouring of Time, Talent and Treasure have led us to the soon upcoming grand opening of these cabins.

PHOTO 2 - This is a photo that will speak volumes of the Miracles Happening. We recently had our first guests in two of the cabins.  The guests were part of a conference for the deaf… they just loved their stay in 7th Heaven and Bluebell.  More to come. 


PHOTO 3 - The Harvest is plentrous!   With a dry summer, it is a miracle that we in southern Minnesota got a harvest.  Yes, many experienced drought conditions and are having to take a small harvest. I was at Sekapp Orchard, in Rochester, recently and was shocked and amazed at their harvest.  Rows, rows, and more rows, of every kind of fall fruit (apples, pumpkins, gourds, squash, etc). I left there having had a prayer with Fred the owner, we together gave Glory to God for his harvest.

Don’t let a day slip by without soaking in the beauty of fall.  

Bob Bardwell 

Miracles Happen.

Ironwood SpringsComment
25 Years

Bob & Jode Bardwell

“The Joyful Noise”  (L to R) – Abby, Birdie, Lydia and Hannah at the keyboard

Bardwell & Morris Families

My blog for the month of July was the first 25 years of my injury. My August blog will be the last 25 years since 1998. 

PHOTO 1 – July 16, 2023  (Sunday) was a complete SURPRISE PARTY in the chapel to celebrate my 50th year being in a wheelchair.  I want to thank Jode, my wife for her supporting me the past 32 of the 50 years. Tracy Bashore, the ranch CEO, had called me and told me that someone wanted to meet me in the chapel at 1PM, and then I would go home and celebrate with my family. I literally was shocked when I rolled into the chapel and was greeted with claps and cheers.   Nearly 90 people showed up and several who knew me before my accident.  

PHOTO 2 –The HIGHLIGHT of the celebration was when our daughters got on stage and sang.  It was 22 years ago the last time they sang on stage often when I was at a speaking engagement. They started by quoting Psalm 100, and with Hannah the older sister at the keyboard, they sang one of my old favorites, “You are a Promise” and a few other oldies.

PHOTO 3 – This was recently taken at the chuckwagon with Colonel Chaplain John and Kathy Morris and their family.   We raised our families together early on and John was back to speak at Operation Welcome Home.    

HIGHLIGHTS from the past 25 years.

Family First:   Jode and I now have 3 sons-in-law and 5 grandchildren. We are so blessed that they all live close by.  

Ranch Updates:  All of the following dates were taken from the book entitled, “Spreading Joy & Changing Lives”.   A great book to get with 300 photographs covering the first 40 years of the ranch.     1998 – 80 acre land purchase, 2000/2004 – Castner Riding Arena, 2000/2009 – Miracle Lodge, 2001 – Office,  2009 – Start of Operation Welcome Home, 2010 – 1st Miracles Happen Festival, 2012/13 – Disc Golf and Clyde the Camel, 2013/14 – Mini-golf,  2015 - Tracy Bashore became the ranch CEO. 

I am excited about the future and being a part of seeing the ranch grow and thrive each day.     We will always DO OUR BEST to Honor God and Love People.  Thanks to many of you for your love, support and generosity, it has been a great encouragement!.

Bob Bardwell  

Miracles Happen.

“The measure of your strength is not how much you can lift, but how much you lift up others”

Ironwood SpringsComment

A GREAT CELEBRATION for me is this coming Sunday.  Celebrate = to acknowledge a significant happy day usually followed with a feast or festival.  That seems a little weak definition for me. To be given by the goodness, love and grace of God, 18,250 extra days and counting is nothing short of, as I say daily, MIRACLES HAPPEN.  This blog in July will cover a few of the events in the first 25 years of my accident.  The Month of August I will cover some events of the last 25 years. 

PHOTO ONE - Man’s Greatest Handicap?  This was the first article I wrote soon after my accident.  It was four small foldouts covering the PURPOSE, PROVISION and PROMISE of God.  On July 16, 1973 at 11:45 AM, I was involved in a serious construction accident.  A large scraper bucket was dropped on my back as I was repairing a broken steel cable on a caterpillar machine.  Instantly, I was unconscious with a broken back, several broken ribs, a bruised left foot and was paralyzed from the waist down.  I was 26 years old and had been married one year.

The article also included some of our greatest handicaps like – Resentment, bitterness, worry, guilt, hatred, life without God, depression, negative attitudes, frustration, etc. A list of some relating to being in a wheelchair like slings, braces, canes, casts, scars, crutches, etc.  I still say to this day that my greatest handicap is from the neck up.  I can’t, let someone else do it, God can’t use me, life is not fair, and the list goes one. The article also includes the start of the Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch (1976) as a Boys Ranch, Youth Camp and Wheelchair Sports Camp.

PHOTO 2 –Marriage and Family – In 1988 I went through a divorce.  Every divorce is a time of failure and starting over. The Grace of God covers every situation in our lives.  It is a time of self-reflection, seeking forgiveness, and leaving no bitterness so you can go forward with no regrets. God, with His love and goodness to me, brought Jode Fox into my life in 1991.  Two years later we were given the gift of a daughter (Hannah) followed by triplet girls (Abby, Lydia and Birdie). Now we have 5 grandchildren!

PHOTO 3 – The Marathons of Life - This was the first of 3 books I have written. The Marathons of Life covered the first 25 years of my injury. By the time, I wrote this book I had just completed 100 marathons. The purpose of this book is to provide HEART to those who have lost their purpose and vision. HEALING to those who are starting over, Grace Happens and HOPE in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   It has been out of print for 10 years and now has been republished. It includes 31 chapters to bring encouragement, inspiration, and challenge.

NEXT BLOG will cover the last 25 years of my injury.

Bob Bardwell  Miracles Happen.

“Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God”  Missionary Hudson Taylor

“Sometimes the Lord calms the storm, sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms the child.” author unknown

June 2023

                      “It’s not what happens to you, it is what you do about it.”

Philippians 4:6-8 “Do not become anxious or fret about anything, instead pray . Let you concerns and praises along with thanksgiving present them to God, and the PEACE of God will guard your HEART and mind in Christ Jesus.”

PHOTO 1 - ATTITUDE:  The sum total of the way you think about someone or something. Influenced by your beliefs, values, childhood, senses, past, etc.

“From the moment you wake up until your eyelids shut at night, you carry an ATTITUDE which all starts with the condition of the heart” Chuck Swindoll

“If your heart is wise, then your heart will be glad and your lips will speak truth” Prov 23:15  Bob Merritt    “For as one thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Proverbs 23:7

PHOTO 2 –  TONY MELENDEZ:   Tony has been a favorite for several years and was back again, with his brother Hosea, at the 37th National Wheelchair Sports Camp.  Tony was born with no arms and took what God gave him (his toes to play the guitar) and travels the world with a message of hope and faith in Jesus Christ.  I had the joy of playing along with my ukulele for some songs always including – Tom the Toad. It was another Miracles Happen week.  Kids and adults from 15 states and eevn from Africa.  Thanks to the 40+ sponsors who provided a life-changing week in body, soul and spirits.  I asked each camper to go home with 5 new “I HAVE DECIDED” decisions.

Watch a short video of the week - 2023 Wheelchair Camp

PHOTO 3 – CABIN UPDATE.   60+ days to the finish line.  Every marathon has a finish line, it just takes a while to get there.  With a hundred yard sprint you can see the finish line before you start.

Big God, Big Dream, Big community. Progress continues.  Just yesterday, the sidewalks all got finished.   We are now working on all the inside finishing (wainscoting, hanging doors/mirrors and more trim)  WE NEED HELP with outside landscaping (decorative rock/ border around each cabin). If you can help with our 3 T’s – time, talent, treasure, let me know.  

May 1-12 2023

The annual WILD BELL FESTIVAL is May 1-12 or so. One of the most spectacular spring wildflowers on the planet is the wild bluebells on display at Ironwood along the Root River. I call them the 10th wonder of the world.

Photo 2 – This is a photo of our girls in about 2007. Our tradition was to go to the bluebell patch and pick a handful of flowers. This year they thought they were very tasty.

Photo 3 – May 1 caught me off guard with an unannounced early arrival of the dandelion. This photo explains the saying, “BLOOM where you are PLANTED”. The photo in one way or another, is the story of all of us whose only mission is to BLOOM (fulfill our purpose). Some unlucky seed lands on the ground soon to be rolled over with a 20-ton roller making a great parking lot of asphalt. All of you are the blessed and fortunate ones, like me, where we landed; because out of nowhere appeared a crack right above us. Just when we thought life was over like the dandelion, above us light showed up. WOW! Miracles Happen.

After all, the dandelion had a mission to bloom and show that shiny bright yellow face. OK, how about you? Whatever challenges you are facing today, maybe this photo and story will bring you encouragement and inspiration.

A reminder that you are not here by accident but you are in the world ordained by God with a purpose. So, God will give you TODAY all you need to shine. The world needs your light so let it SHINE.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

April 17

Today was the running / wheeling of the 127th Boston Marathon.   My racing number on the front is my Boston racing number.  What I want to share today is the words of the Apostle Paul.  I am grateful that I have been WEAK many, many times in my life.  That to me means I get to rely on and lean into my source of strength, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He has made me strong in many situations the past nearly 50 years of my paralysis.  Philippians 4:13 has been printed on the back of my racing chair,

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

There may be a reason why you might be feeling weak today, claim His promise, “The Lord is the strengthener of my life, He is my Rock and my fortress”.

Boston Marathon 1987.  I was at the starting line with 150 wheelers and 10,000 runners. It was raining, misty, foggy, and windy.  The start of the race is at the top of a steep hill and we were WARNED to just roll to the bottom and begin the race at the bottom.

HEED THE WARNING!   No one did heed the warning and seconds into the race at least 12 wheelers crashed and 2 went to the hospital.  Top of the photo is Francois Poitevin and the lower wheeler is Andre Viger.  I escaped the crash by swerving and going up on two wheels and back down the hill.  The Boston Globe called the Crash, “Wheels of Misfortune”.

IS YOUR WORLD UPSIDE DOWN AT TIMES? Bad things can happen when you don’t HEED THE WARNING! Options:

  • Take responsibility for your actions - or you can blame others.

  • Be grateful - things could have been much worse.

  • Find a blessing to count and go back home and train for the race next year.

If your world is upside down due to uncertainties, family relationships, business challenges, wrong decisions, etc.  Jesus says,

“ Come to me with your burdens and I will give you rest for my burden is light…” Matthew 11:30

NOTE: If your wheels are all on the ground and life is good, BE THANKFUL!

Ironwood SpringsComment
Happy Easter!

This photo I took out of our local newspaper.  It could not be a clearer Easter message.

My favorite Easter song has always been,

“BECAUSE HE LIVES, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone, for I know He holds the future, and life is WORTH THE LIVING just because He lives.”  (Bill & Gloria Gaither)

APRIL 1 (No April fools) - We woke up to a spectacular 6 inches of snow.  As I looked out the window no leaf and branch was left out.  Each one was stacked as high as possible with snowflakes until it could hold no more then it created a mountain peak.  WOW, nothing short of a miracle!

My personal inspirational autobiography the MARATHONS OF LIFE is back in print. After 12 years of being out of print, I was encouraged to bring it back.  It covers approx. the first 25 years of my injury 1973-96 and my 2nd book “15,565 Extra Days and Counting” cover the last 25 years. I have a BIG CELEBRATION COMING THIS SUMMER - JULY 16 - my 50th anniversary. This book is a reminder to STAY ON COURSE and keep your focus. Without an intentional focus, distractions creep in, negative things happen, discouragement sets in and your Attitude of Gratitude (the name of one of the chapters) gets forgotten.  If you, or someone you know, needs a HUGE BOOST of encouragement, hope and motivation, I strongly recommend this book. TO ORDER: visit  or call 507 358 9144.

FINISH STRONG:  The three-cabin finish line is right on schedule. In a 100-yard dash the finish line comes quickly but in a Marathon you may see the finish line but it takes a while to get there.

Painting is in progress and  lots of interior work to begin.  Thanks to the generosity of many of you giving of your time, talent and treasure. Your support is needed to finish strong.

February 2023


Photo 1 – This photo was from last weekend’s Operation Welcome Home. I can only express the joy of being involved with these special military families who have found the time to come reconnect and refresh. For many it was the first time they have gotten away and spent some priceless time with their families. Some of the takeaways in the Chapel would bring tears to your eyes. I always try to say this quote in any military setting

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.” Ronald Reagan 40th President of the United States.  

Thanks to many of you for your support.

Photo 2 – This eagle is about to land in the large Cottonwood tree as you come into the ranch.  

“Don’t you know by now that the Creator of the earth, never grows faint or weary even though youth get exhausted, and men will give up…. but they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength and mount up with wings like the eagles…” Isaiah 40:27-31

Photo 3 - The pamphlet is my personal testimony and some values of my life and family.  In the photo, I am preparing for the Boston Marathon; so why am I talking about my weakness?  After I was injured nearly 50 years ago, I have never forgotten how frail I am and how without God’s strength my accomplishments would be hardly worthy to mention.  A Bible verse I had printed on the back of my racing chair said,

“I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  Philippians 4:13 

All the amazing miracles God has allowed to happen in my life can only be described as “Miracles Happen”. You can read about some of them in this pamphlet.   If you would like a copy, let me know email

Miracles Happen .  

God is good. 


“This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

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"This is the day that the Lord has made..."

“This is the day the Lord has made; I will REJOICE and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24

I have committed to start each day by quoting this verse.  So uplifting.

Photo 1 - Beyond the ranch sign, far in the background is a 25-foot stainless steel cross that shines out as far as the road.   We received a call from Christian Cross Ministries that they would like to put a cross up at Ironwood.   Our cross was the 425th cross that has been put up around the world.

Photo 2 - Big God, Big Dream, Big Community.  Miracles continue to happen as we see these three beautiful cabins being built.  To date 65 donors, 12 contractors, 30 volunteers and 500 plus volunteer hours.  Time, Talent and Treasure needed to finish by summer. Funding needed: Kitchen things (cabinets, countertops, stove, fridge, etc.), outside siding, outside cement ramps-sidewalks, lots of volunteers for sheetrock, painting, finishing. Ashley furniture has committed to providing all the interior furniture. Let me know if you would like to be involved as this Miracles Happen mission continues.

This saying was on the t-shirt of good friend Steve Yaggy. 

MY HEALTH Thanks for all the prayers as I continue to see my lower back heal from a serious wound that I cannot feel but has a very serious impact on my health.  I go to the Mayo Clinic weekly for a health update.

“Oh the healing power of a healthy mind.”  Proverbs 14:30

BITS FROM BOB – 1.  Life at its best is fragile and short. 2. The greatest destroyer of a bright future is DWELLING on the past. 3. Song for the day, Ain’t Nobody Gonna Steal My JOY, Zach Williams  4.  “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”  Isaiah 41:10  

Miracles Happen.

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Let PEACE Reign by Letting Him Reign

A PEACE sign at the tubing hill – A primary focus of mine in 2023. Proverbs 14:30

Feeding finch, mourning doves, blue jays, woodpeckers, and notice 2 cardinals in the background waiting patiently their turn.

A new definition of perseverance or as some would say an example of the expression, “Pulling Your  Leg”. Grandson, who I call TT, was letting me know, take off your brakes PaPa or get pulled out of your chair.

His name is called Wonderful-Counselor-Mighty-God-Everlasting Father-Prince of PEACE.

As we all are soon to close out another year, It reminds me that at the end of every marathon (26.2 miles) I would take time to reflect back over the miles of the challenges/tailwinds/steep hills…   and give credit where credit is due when reaching the finish line. One word that will stick out above many others this past year is the word PEACE. The definition of PEACE is “The calmness of heart that God is in control and will do for us what is BEST.”The word PEACE took roots in my heart mostly when I spent 2+ months in the hospital to gain back my health. The opposite of peace is stress, adversity, unrest, discouragement, brokenness, no joy, life isn’t fair and the list goes on. It became very clear to me that while in the hospital I had daily PEACE ROBBERS. They are on active duty 24/7 in all our lives.

God in His goodness gave me Proverbs 14:30, “A heart at peace, gives life to the body.”   Some of the ways that helped me ward off the ‘peace robbers’ were to 1) just let it go (hard to do) 2) let them have it 3) be anxious for nothing and mostly give it to GOD, He can work it out and has my life in His hands. It all comes down to your level of TRUST. 

Romans 12:18 “If at all possible…live at peace with everyone”. John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Isaiah 26:3 “You will be kept in perfect peace if your mind is steadfast because you TRUST in me.”   Remember as we close out a year and begin the new 2023 – we don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. CHOOSE JOY    My favorite Christmas song is “ O Holy Night” says it all – His law is LOVE, His gospel is PEACE. Have a happy new year!

Bob Bardwell,  

Miracles Happen.   Thankful and Blessed.  

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I don’t know what two words this time of year could be better.   Each day I FOCUS on being THANKFUL and BLESSED. 

“I know the Lord is always with me.  I will NOT BE SHAKEN, for He is right beside me. 

No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice”. Psalm 16:7-9

Two big family miracles happened this past month with a grandson, Hudson, and a granddaughter, Collins (Coco) Rose, being born. 

I used up all my thankful and blessed napkins but have more on the way. I encourage you to carry these two words on into the new year and by doing so you will find daily encouragement, hope and inspiration.

BOB AND JODE:   My calendar seems to get interrupted so often.  That reminds me to leave God in charge of whatever comes my way.  I spent nearly 2 ½ months in the hospital (late July-October), my hospital stay reminded me of a song, STRONGER THAN BEFORE

“Even though the rain comes down, it brings life into the ground.  And I know the sun will shine, that brings hope again to this heart of mine.  I know that God will heal all things, broken lives and broken wings, only He can mend the heart that this world has torn apart…”  I am thankful that Jode has stood beside me and encouraged me each day. 

CABINS: Thankful and Blessed are two words again to describe the cabins. By THANKSGIVING the steel will be on the roofs, windows will be in and inside work (first electrical) will get started.  Cabin progress will continue all winter.  To date we have approx. 65 donors - providing time, talent, and treasure; 23 volunteers; 300 plus volunteer hours; and 12 contractors. Please consider being a generous, silver or gold sponsor.

Our completion date is June 2023 to provide more housing for the waiting list of families living with an autistic child, all levels of disabilities and military families.

 “Is it better to bite your tongue or eat your words?” depending on your personality, the book of James 3:5 says,

“The tongue is a small thing that makes great speeches, but a tiny spark can set a great forest on fire.”

Miracles Happen

Me and my wife Jode who has stood beside me the entire time

Family Friendly Cabins

“It’s not what happens to you, it’s what you do about it” Proverbs 3:5-6

 Miracles Happen is the caption on my hat.  I have been out of touch with most of you for the past nearly 3 months.  In mid-July, I went to the emergency room at the Mayo Clinic, in Rochester, because of very poor circulation in my legs after nearly 50 years paralyzed from the waist down. I was told that I had infection in my legs along with other health issues. This lead to my 10 days in the ICU, a right leg amputation below the knee, and a left foot heal amputation. I spent one month at Mayo and then another month plus, at a Mayo Clinic Rehab facility in Waseca, MN.  I have called it two months plus of hospital ministry.  I am so grateful for all the prayers, letters, visits, doctors, nurses, and cooks.  

“A HEART at PEACE gives life to the body.”  Proverbs 14:30

 There has been so much to sustain me beside the amazing doctor’s daily reports.  All to the Glory of God who is the Great Physician! Since then I am well aware of “Peace Robbers”. A couple reminders how to ward them off. Just let it go – let them have it – God has a better plan - I’m not interested – I’m going to trust God to work it out, etc.

No God, No peace – Know God, Know peace.

 BIG GOD, BIG DREAM, BIG COMMUNITY – three family and wheelchair friendly cabins:

After 2 ½ years of perseverance, the building permit came through in late July. If you are interested in cabin updates or being involved at any level with Time, Talent and Treasure then please email me.

FAMILY: We now have 3 grandsons and a granddaughter on the way mid-November. So blessed.

 Miracles Happen.  It’s good to be home and back at the ranch. 

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