A GREAT CELEBRATION for me is this coming Sunday.  Celebrate = to acknowledge a significant happy day usually followed with a feast or festival.  That seems a little weak definition for me. To be given by the goodness, love and grace of God, 18,250 extra days and counting is nothing short of, as I say daily, MIRACLES HAPPEN.  This blog in July will cover a few of the events in the first 25 years of my accident.  The Month of August I will cover some events of the last 25 years. 

PHOTO ONE - Man’s Greatest Handicap?  This was the first article I wrote soon after my accident.  It was four small foldouts covering the PURPOSE, PROVISION and PROMISE of God.  On July 16, 1973 at 11:45 AM, I was involved in a serious construction accident.  A large scraper bucket was dropped on my back as I was repairing a broken steel cable on a caterpillar machine.  Instantly, I was unconscious with a broken back, several broken ribs, a bruised left foot and was paralyzed from the waist down.  I was 26 years old and had been married one year.

The article also included some of our greatest handicaps like – Resentment, bitterness, worry, guilt, hatred, life without God, depression, negative attitudes, frustration, etc. A list of some relating to being in a wheelchair like slings, braces, canes, casts, scars, crutches, etc.  I still say to this day that my greatest handicap is from the neck up.  I can’t, let someone else do it, God can’t use me, life is not fair, and the list goes one. The article also includes the start of the Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch (1976) as a Boys Ranch, Youth Camp and Wheelchair Sports Camp.

PHOTO 2 –Marriage and Family – In 1988 I went through a divorce.  Every divorce is a time of failure and starting over. The Grace of God covers every situation in our lives.  It is a time of self-reflection, seeking forgiveness, and leaving no bitterness so you can go forward with no regrets. God, with His love and goodness to me, brought Jode Fox into my life in 1991.  Two years later we were given the gift of a daughter (Hannah) followed by triplet girls (Abby, Lydia and Birdie). Now we have 5 grandchildren!

PHOTO 3 – The Marathons of Life - This was the first of 3 books I have written. The Marathons of Life covered the first 25 years of my injury. By the time, I wrote this book I had just completed 100 marathons. The purpose of this book is to provide HEART to those who have lost their purpose and vision. HEALING to those who are starting over, Grace Happens and HOPE in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.   It has been out of print for 10 years and now has been republished. It includes 31 chapters to bring encouragement, inspiration, and challenge.

NEXT BLOG will cover the last 25 years of my injury.

Bob Bardwell  bob@ironwoodsprings.com  Miracles Happen.

“Attempt great things for God, expect great things from God”  Missionary Hudson Taylor

“Sometimes the Lord calms the storm, sometimes He lets the storm rage and calms the child.” author unknown