June 2023

                      “It’s not what happens to you, it is what you do about it.”

Philippians 4:6-8 “Do not become anxious or fret about anything, instead pray . Let you concerns and praises along with thanksgiving present them to God, and the PEACE of God will guard your HEART and mind in Christ Jesus.”

PHOTO 1 - ATTITUDE:  The sum total of the way you think about someone or something. Influenced by your beliefs, values, childhood, senses, past, etc.

“From the moment you wake up until your eyelids shut at night, you carry an ATTITUDE which all starts with the condition of the heart” Chuck Swindoll

“If your heart is wise, then your heart will be glad and your lips will speak truth” Prov 23:15  Bob Merritt    “For as one thinketh in his heart, so is he.”  Proverbs 23:7

PHOTO 2 –  TONY MELENDEZ:   Tony has been a favorite for several years and was back again, with his brother Hosea, at the 37th National Wheelchair Sports Camp.  Tony was born with no arms and took what God gave him (his toes to play the guitar) and travels the world with a message of hope and faith in Jesus Christ.  I had the joy of playing along with my ukulele for some songs always including – Tom the Toad. It was another Miracles Happen week.  Kids and adults from 15 states and eevn from Africa.  Thanks to the 40+ sponsors who provided a life-changing week in body, soul and spirits.  I asked each camper to go home with 5 new “I HAVE DECIDED” decisions.

Watch a short video of the week - 2023 Wheelchair Camp

PHOTO 3 – CABIN UPDATE.   60+ days to the finish line.  Every marathon has a finish line, it just takes a while to get there.  With a hundred yard sprint you can see the finish line before you start.

Big God, Big Dream, Big community. Progress continues.  Just yesterday, the sidewalks all got finished.   We are now working on all the inside finishing (wainscoting, hanging doors/mirrors and more trim)  WE NEED HELP with outside landscaping (decorative rock/ border around each cabin). If you can help with our 3 T’s – time, talent, treasure, let me know.