I have used the above theme for many years with the expansion and growth of the ranch facilities. BIG GOD, Ephesians 3:20 “The Lord can do EXCEEDINGLY ABUNDANTLY more that we can ask or think.” Always remembering to wait on God’s direction and wisdom. BIG DREAM, “Be strong and courageous and GET TO WORK. Don’t be frightened by the size of the task for I am the Lord thy God, I will not fail you nor forsake you. I will see to it that everything is finished correctly.” I Chronicles 28:20 BIG COMMUNITY, “Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1 .
The dream for these cabins started in 2019 and now we are nearing completion. To cross the finish line, your support is needed: $900 shades, $1100 eaves spouts, $3200 blacktop and $500 sod (per cabin). Nearly 7,000 volunteer hours which includes 150 people and companies involved, their outpouring of Time, Talent and Treasure have led us to the soon upcoming grand opening of these cabins.
PHOTO 2 - This is a photo that will speak volumes of the Miracles Happening. We recently had our first guests in two of the cabins. The guests were part of a conference for the deaf… they just loved their stay in 7th Heaven and Bluebell. More to come.
PHOTO 3 - The Harvest is plentrous! With a dry summer, it is a miracle that we in southern Minnesota got a harvest. Yes, many experienced drought conditions and are having to take a small harvest. I was at Sekapp Orchard, in Rochester, recently and was shocked and amazed at their harvest. Rows, rows, and more rows, of every kind of fall fruit (apples, pumpkins, gourds, squash, etc). I left there having had a prayer with Fred the owner, we together gave Glory to God for his harvest.
Don’t let a day slip by without soaking in the beauty of fall.
Miracles Happen.