Happy Easter!
My favorite Easter song has always been,
“BECAUSE HE LIVES, I can face tomorrow, because He lives, all fear is gone, for I know He holds the future, and life is WORTH THE LIVING just because He lives.” (Bill & Gloria Gaither)
APRIL 1 (No April fools) - We woke up to a spectacular 6 inches of snow. As I looked out the window no leaf and branch was left out. Each one was stacked as high as possible with snowflakes until it could hold no more then it created a mountain peak. WOW, nothing short of a miracle!
My personal inspirational autobiography the MARATHONS OF LIFE is back in print. After 12 years of being out of print, I was encouraged to bring it back. It covers approx. the first 25 years of my injury 1973-96 and my 2nd book “15,565 Extra Days and Counting” cover the last 25 years. I have a BIG CELEBRATION COMING THIS SUMMER - JULY 16 - my 50th anniversary. This book is a reminder to STAY ON COURSE and keep your focus. Without an intentional focus, distractions creep in, negative things happen, discouragement sets in and your Attitude of Gratitude (the name of one of the chapters) gets forgotten. If you, or someone you know, needs a HUGE BOOST of encouragement, hope and motivation, I strongly recommend this book. TO ORDER: visit www.ronwoodsprings.com or call 507 358 9144.
FINISH STRONG: The three-cabin finish line is right on schedule. In a 100-yard dash the finish line comes quickly but in a Marathon you may see the finish line but it takes a while to get there.
Painting is in progress and lots of interior work to begin. Thanks to the generosity of many of you giving of your time, talent and treasure. Your support is needed to finish strong.