Thankful and Blessed

These two words seem to be the TOP choice of words as I end and begin each year.  Am I thankful and blessed for everything that comes my way? Of course not! As expected, I have many challenges, detours, health issues, and the list goes on. I always say, “When the challenges you have go away, you get new ones” AND “God never said He would deliver us from the storms, but through the storms.”  So repeating THANKFUL and BLESSED several times a day, causes me to COUNT MY BLESSINGS and celebrate the day whatever my circumstances.  

Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”

Yes, it does make a HUGE difference in your attitude. I repeat the proverb often,

“A happy, grateful heart makes a good medicine.”

 This white oak tree (outside our bedroom window) just won 1st place in “the most beautiful fall colors” contest in the county.  There were 2 entries both by me.

October 22, 2023  was a DAY OF CELEBRATION for the GRAND OPENING of the three cabins.

After nearly 3 years of the community and the Ironwood family sharing their TIME, TALENT and TREASURE,  we crossed the finish line!. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Call unto me and I will show you great and mighty things…”  

Nearly 130 people got involved with this $500K project (volunteers, contractors & companies); $200K was donated by contractors & $300K was donated by the community. 

Another Miracles Happen at Ironwood, we call it BIG GOD, BIG DREAM, BIG COMMUNITY. These cabins will shorten our waiting list of guests.  Come for a tour, you won’t believe how beautiful they turned out.   


 “Unless the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it.” Psalm 127:1

Bob Bardwell  

Miracles Happen

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