Giving God Excuses!

 A happy July to all of you. Summer for us like most of you is busy with lots of fun family events such as picnics, vacations, ball games, church and plenty of projects.

 This is my 5th words of encouragement from the above book. It is the story of Moses in the Old Testament who God called to rescue His people from slavery. Moses was stunned by God’s command and felt God’s timing was extremely strange. After 40 years of living as the privileged son of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, he was now a fugitive, a nobody, living in the desert.

What we do and the timing of God’s plan for our life may seem just as strange. We feel inadequate, not qualified, not prepared, yet we know in our heart that God leads those who stop and listen to Him. When we respond to God, “Ordinary people can receive power for extraordinary change.” All of Moses excuses to duck out became irrelevant. Moses obeyed and was used as God’s instrument to deliver His people out of slavery. 

We each have Pharaohs to face. Stop and listen to God and you can become a mighty conduit for His work in this world.

In my own recent experience, after 2+ years of planning, waiting, delays, and when asked when we will be getting our building permit for the 3 cabins, my response was always, “Today we are another day closer.”  It is a good thing I was sitting down when the call came on June 30th at 2:15, that  we can begin construction of our BIG GOD, BIG DREAM, BIG COMMUNITY (Three cabins).

“Except the Lord build the house (cabins) they labor in vain that build them.” Psalm 127:1

Miracles Happen!


Today was the running of the Med-City marathon in Rochester, MN.  It just so happened that the finish line was outside the front door of my church, Eaglebrook Church.  I watched for quite some time celebrating with the runners who came across the finish line exhausted and happy.I would have done the ½ marathon in my wheelchair with my daughter Birdie, however, happily she is expecting our 3rd grandchild in a few months.

SO. I thought I would share a few simularities between running a marathon and the marathons we sometime face daily in life from my first book called, THE MARATHONS OF LIFE.“In the marathons of L-I-F-E, there are no 50 yard line front row seats,  everyone is out on the field.”  My racing career began in 1983 because a friend named Glenn (who was also in a wheelchair) encouraged me to do it, Glenn reminded me,“If you don’t make dust, you eat dust”I soon read an article in the Sports N’ Spokes Magazine called “Racing for God”about Jim Martinson, a double amputee from Vietnam who was the first person to do The Boston Marathon.  Soon I set my goals to do 100 Marathons and do a 10K in under 30 minutes.


Each has a starting and a finish line  2. Neither are a 100 yard dash, but a run of perseverance and endurance 3. Both have uphills (like Heartbreak Hill in the Boston) downhillls, tail winds, headwinds, sunshine and rain 4. Both experience detours, rough roads, potholes, and unexpected turns 5. Encouragement and support is vital to both.

Hebrews 12:1 “We are surrounded by a great crowd of people whose lives tell us what faith means, so let us RUN WITH ENDURANCE the race that is set before us.”

PHOTO 2. Taken from our houseboat with family on lake Powell, Utah & Arizona. A display of God’s handiwork.   


This is my third reminder from the book of ENCOURAGEMENT!  It’s called Surprise. Oswald Chambers says that Jesus doesn’t come when and where we expect.  He comes in times and places where we least expect him. Be ready for surprise visits.  When we have a relationship with God, life is full of spontaneous, joyful, uncertainty and expectancy.  Let’s face it – life is tentative.  Be ready for the next SURPRISE visit of the Lord in your life.

This past Monday was the running of the 126th Boston Marathon. I was blessed to race in the 100th Boston Marathon in 1996.  The above photo is a vivid reminder about heeding the warning. The year was 1987, and I was at the starting line with 100 other wheelchairs. The race director came out in front of us all with a loud speaker and gave us a strong warning.  The start of the race was a steep downhill with speeds up to 30 miles per hour. It was slightly raining and very foggy and he said, “Roll to the bottom of the hill before you start racing”. Of course, the first row of wheelchairs said, “Let’s get out of here and of course the second row and all back rows followed suit. Within seconds, the photo above tells the tragedy when we don’t HEED THE WARNING. About a dozen  crashed and several were taken to the hospital.  I was behind this group and rolled on through the disaster. The next day, the Boston Globe posted this photo with a caption that said, “WHEELS OF MISFORTUNE”.  The following year, a police car was in front of us and controlled the speed until we reached the bottom of the hill. I was blessed by doing 5 Boston Marathons.

The Bible has many HEED THE WARNING verses such as “Except a man be born again (saved) he will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” (John 3:3) or “Be not deceived, God is not mocked, whatever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).  God provides these warnings, not to restrict us but to save us from ourselves.  His purposes are always for our good.

Ukraine – If you are looking for a good way to support the refugees in Ukraine,I suggest you go  to  This is a Franklin Graham ministry with feet on the ground.

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DEFINITION: To give or increase confidence of success; to inspire with courage, spirit or strength of mind.

QUOTE:Never let a day go by without encouraging someone”.

This is my second time of using stories from the book, “Encouragement: 365 Days of Inspiration and Wisdom for Your Spiritual Journey.   Page 87..   FORGETTING OURSELVES.  “Fred Smith says the essence of JOY is the willingness to give oneself into forgetfulness.

 An Amish girl received a box of candy and decided to save it until Christmas day and share it with her family and friends.  On Christmas day the candy got passed around and then was put up on the shelf.   Later her mother asked her if she wanted a piece of the candy, she replied, “I forgot it was here.”  Joy comes as we develop an attitude a gratitude and trust God is all our circumstances.”

The Holy Spirit within us makes all this possible, for we will find our own strengthi inadequate for the LONG JOURNEY with its side roads and temptations.  “Let not your heart be troubled. Trust in God…. “ John 14:1

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PHOTO 1 – A reminder as we close out a year and begin a new one, to start each day with God, Grace and Gratitude.  One of our past retreat group calls their retreat, “BRIGHTER TOMORROWS”.  I always look at each year as a marathon (having completed 100).   Getting to the finish line is an accomplishment as you have to navigate steep hills, potholes, detours, covid and headwinds, as well as the joy of sunshine, tail winds, down hills and encouragement  from family and friends.

So:  Some reminders from the Bible to guarantee Brighter Tomorrows:  1) Be Not Afraid….Lo, I am with you always….Castings all your care upon me…. Fear not, I am with you….Let not your heart be troubled. Don’t believe the song that says, …From now on your troubles will be miles away. As the sign says in Cabin Coffee –“Choose JOY – give thanks.”  Let’s all work on our words for the coming year that they would be True,Kind,Necessary.

PHOTO 2 – Big God, Big Dream, Big Community.   Excited to give you an update on the three cabins.    After months of waiting we have heard good news back from the MPCA, etc.  Here is their quote, “dry trace report was discussed internally and determined that the Groundwater Impact Assessment permit requirement is now complete.” Now we can go forward with other issues regarding the building permit.  Hopeful we can get together in person maybe March with more good news. Hang onto those shovels.  Will keep you updated. God is good.

PHOTO 3 – Now with snow and cold weather, we have started snow tubing and horse drawn sleigh rides. Fences are up, tow rope is on and the 100 tubes are full of air. Check the website and book your tickets online for your family or call our office for a company winter get together. 507 533 4315

DECEMBER – December is one of my favorite months. Jode and I get to spend more time with family and I personally soak in as many Christmas songs as possible on Christian radio. For some reason they never get old but each year they become more special and uplifting. So one more time to listen to ‘Oh Holy Night’ by Carrie Underwood

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One of my favorite things to do during the month of December is to sing along with all the Christmas songs. That mostly happens while I am in my car that way I can make a joyful noise. PHOTO 1 is on our kitchen table, with the reminder to always be thankful. I was recently in a mega store with 1000’s of Christmas things to buy, when I finally asked an employee if there was any Christmas displays with the manger scene, etc.. We looked and looked and found none. Yes, how sad and yet I will do my part with family and community to remember the REASON FOR THE SEASON. PHOTO 2 is along highway 14 west of Rochester on a McNeilus building. No better reminder, “JOY to the world, the Lord has come.” I will remind you the way to have JOY in your life is to remember J –Jesus O – others Y – you. PHOTO 3 is a copy of my recent book. The title is taken from the number of days from my accident until the book went to the publisher. If you are looking for a gift that will provide encouragement, inspiration and challenge, look no further. I was inspired to write this book in an effort to provide hope to those who are starting over, those who are searching for their purpose and steps to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Contact me by email if you would like to buy a copy. Merry Christmas!


BEING THANKFUL.  Of course these two words are printed and spoken often in November. My take on being thankful for all things can bring up all kinds of questions during times of struggle, pain, disappointments and change.  Anyone can give thanks during the good times and times when everything seems positive, prayers are being answered and it is easy to count our blessings.

SO: the only way to maintain being thankful is only possible by choosing the right attitude. We know that medicine is an important answer to many of our health challenges. So starting out your day taking the right medicine that the Proverbs tells us, is the beginning of giving thanks always despite our circumstances. Proverbs 17:22 “A joyful (thankful) spirit is good medicine, but a broken spirit dries up the bones.” If your bones are dry, you can’t even move. The wise King Solomon of Israel, is telling us that God has made a way that both joy and sorrow are meant to be a vital part of life and to maintain a thankful spirit takes an intentional decision on our part each day despite our circumstances. Let’s all, including me finish this month every morning by quoting this promise and take our medicine. “A thankful spirit is good medicine.” As I say, “The attitude of gratitude is good medicine. Happy Thanksgiving!

Rejoice always, pray, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I thessalonians 5:16-18

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THANKFUL AND BLESSED – I know I should use these two words more throughout the year, but I really try and focus on them in November.  Being thankful is a daily awareness of the Goodness of God throughout our challenges and changes that we face.  I call it the ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE.    BLESSED – I often use the phrase Counting your blessings.  How can you put Jesus first, others second and yourself last and consider yourself worthy?  The answer is in the word JOY.   Jesus, others and you.

CHILD DEDICATION – My wife Jode and I (Bob) had the privilege of witnessing a great moment in our lives.  Two grandsons being dedicated to the Lord.   Tommy on the Left and Sully on the right.  Of course, the challenge is to the parents and family to daily pray and encourage the spiritul growth of these children.

BIBLE -    I recently saw this meaning of the Bible on a church flyer.  WOW, it could not be more simple and important than that. I know it says, “Basic instructions”! I am not the best at following instructions, but I have put my faith and trust in Christ as my personal saviour as John 3:16 says.  If you are not a Bible reader start today by reading the gospel of John

VETERANS DAY – I like many of you witnessed the heart warming stories of our veterans. My last photo is Arlan Walton, who served in the Army in the 101th Airborne in Ft. Campbell, KY in the late 50’s. This past Veterans Day, he received a military metal at one of the programs as a way of thanking him for his service. Arlan has been an amazing volunteer at Ironwood Spring the past 25 years.


Here are some photos and other tidbits to encourage you.

Photo 1 – To start out your day with a sunrise like this, I had to pull over and take the photo.  “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Lord’s name is to be praised” Psalm 113.

Photo 2 – My wife Jode recently put this sign in our garage as you enter our house.  “Let me have eyes that see the best in others, a heart that forgives the worst, hands that help others, and a soul that never loses faith.” I have it memorized now so I can recite it throughout the day.

Photo 3 – The summer of 1967 I worked at Horn Creek Ranch in Colorado.  Two texans showed up on staff and I don’t think they had heard of Minnesota.  All summer long I encouraged them to attend Pillsbury Bible College in Owatonna, Mn in the Fall where I was attending.  To my utter surprise, who should show up on opening day at Pillsbury.  They finished college, met their spouses and went on the next 45+ years back in Texas serving in Christian schools and colleges. Sid, on the left, and Gene (who I always call Tex) showed up a few weeks ago at Pillsbury to celebrate the reunion of the college being open 50 years.

Boston Marathon – Monday was the running of the 125th Boston Marathon. It brought back memories from 1996 when I competed in the 100th Boston Marathon. I went on later to do 5 Boston marathons, spuring me on to write a book called, “The Marathons of Life.” this past week: I listened to a talk by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The name of her talk was called HEAVEN RULES.  After listening to her message I was so uplifted and reminded that God is and always will be in control.

Rejoice in the Lord “Even tho the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines, even tho the olive crops fail, and the field lay empty and barren, & the cattle barns are empty, YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in the God of my Salvation. Habakkuk 3:14-17

Handicap van for sale  A friend of the ranch has a 2011 Honda Odyssey minivan for sale. If you know of anyone looking of a good conversion van with a good price, let me know.

 “I waited quietly for the Lord, for my VICTORY comes from Him” Psalm 62: 1

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Birdie finishing her half marathon.

Birdie finishing her half marathon.

Founders Lodge gets a new much needed new roof.

Founders Lodge gets a new much needed new roof.

Happy Wednesday September 15  I trust this mid-September finds you well with all the changes that come with the fall season.   Some of the obvious changes include:  fall colors, harvesting of crops, squirrels packing away walnuts, final cutting of the lawn, bringing in the 3rd crop of hay, lumberjacking for winter, cool nights and shorter days. I also spend time reflecting back over the summer.

FAMILY:  How your priorities can change when you become a  grandpa/grandma of two grandsons. Tommy is now 13 months and Sully is 3 months.  Jode and I treasure the times we get to share with them and their parents.  I pray we will be intentional  and practice diligence in raising them to the Glory  of God.  We as a family visited the replica of the Ark as recorded in the book of Genesis, just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.  Be sure and put that on your bucket list – Photo above is Birdie (one of our triplets) doing her 3rd half marathon in Rochester, MN.  I bowed out due to a sore left arm, but God willing I will be back next time.   

RANCH:  We have had a terrific summer exceeding our expectations.  Tracy, our Executive Director just met with our staff and shared some of the summer highlights.  We cooked nearly 10,000 meals serving 2,000 people.  Since the National Wheelchair Sports Camp in June, our weeks have been busy.  One of my memories was the week we served 3 different groups.  1) Grandparent/Grandchild week 2) Horse-n-trail camp 3) Operation Welcome Home – military family camp.   We have also been blessed with your time, talent, and treasure – thank you!

CABINS AND REC CENTER: We have made great progress on the remodel of the Rec Center and have continual reminders of the need for more space and the building of the three cabins.  We are approaching 2 years since our work on the cabins began.  That reminds me of the word ultra-marathon.  Marathons are 26.2 miles but my one ultra-marathon was wheeling from Rochester to the Mendota bridge in Mpls about 75 miles. Keep in mind they both have a start and finish line. We are definitely getting closer to having our permit. We just heard this week that the engineers, MPCA (both state and local) have met to move our cabin request forward. I remind you that God’s delays are not God’s denials.  His timing will be perfect knowing each day we are one day closer. I can not wait to share the good news that we can begin.  

“I will bless the Lord who guides me, even at night my heart instructs me.  I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.”  Psalm 16:7-9  

On the wall at Cabin Coffee in Stewartvillle: “Tell your story, Share your gifts, Count your blessings and Keep your chin up.”

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Here is just a small sampling of the beauty you will see.

Here is just a small sampling of the beauty you will see.

Bloom where you are planted!

Bloom where you are planted!

The bluebells have arrived and are making their grand appearance. With the recent warm days, they have just exploded and are showing their splendor of beauty.  COME ON OUT AND SEE THEM.  If you know where our petting zoo is, just come out, cross the big bridge and take a right.   Have your camera ready! 

The second photo is a great example for us.  This bluebell seed was stuck under the bricks at the chuckwagon across the river.   Where God has you planted today, even if it might seem like you are under the concrete, with God’s help you can BLOOM.

John 15:16-17  “You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain… these things  I command you, that you should love one another.”

Ranch update: May 1 was our first ever annual spring volunteer cleanup day. Thanks to the 20+ who came! We split the most firewood ever thanks to a 6-way splitter. We also hosted the Operation Welcome Home disabled veterans turkey hunt weekend. Tonight is our groundbreaking ceremony for the building the three cabins and our rec center project is in process. Camps are filling up for the summer. God is good!

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I will be the guest speaker at Legacy Coalition tonight, Monday night (April 12th)  6:45PM Central time.  SO: I will share a bit about Legacy Coalition. It was started 4 years ago to reach 30 million Christian grandparents to encourage them to become INTENTIONAL grandparents.  LC currently have almost 4,000 grandparents registered for GMN (Grand Monday Nights).

Grandparents have an important spiritual role to play.  Culture says it’s time to take it easy and enjoy spoiling your grandchildren.  The Bible says several times that grandparents are called to a greater level of influence. “Teach them to your children and to their children after them.” Duet. 4:9

It doesn’t matter if your grandchildren live close or far away, you can grow that relationship and have a great influence.

My sister Barb is one of the co-hosts and has asked me to share my story  on April 12 Monday night.  Here is what she said: “Grandfather for the first time at age 73.  After nearly 45 years of waiting, Bob and his wife Jode have been greatly blessed with their 1st grandson and another one on the way. Since Bob’s accident, his life has been a series of MIRACLES HAPPENING. They have 4 daughters, three being triplets so he will be sharing some of the Biblical principles they did their best to follow in raising their children and now coaching their grandkids.”  As Barb said, “It must be INTENTIONAL or we get to busy and soon the grandkids are grown and gone. 

You will be motivated, inspired and challenged by Bob’s presentation.”

Bob is a motivational speaker and author of 2 books.  “The Marathons of Life” (having completed 100 marathons) and “16, 565 extra days and counting”. That is number of days from my accident until the book went to the publisher. The incredible journey of tragedy, faith and and courage.

To watch the presentation go to either: or http.//

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President Thomas Jefferson

President Thomas Jefferson

On a bitter cold Virginia night, an old man waited on a path near the river.  He was hoping somebody on a horse would come by and carry him across.  His beard was glazed with frost and his body was numb before he finally heard horses coming.  Anxiously he watched as several horsemen passed without even noticing him. 
Finally, when only one rider remained, the old man caught his eye and asked, “Sir, would you mind giving me a ride to the other side?”  Graciously, the rider helped him on to his horse and, sensing he was half-frozen, decided to take him all the way home.   As they rode, the horsemen asked, “Why didn’t you ask one of the others to help you? I was the last one what if I’d refused?”   The old man said, “I’ve lived a while, son, and I know people pretty well.  When I looking into their eyes I saw no concern at all for me, so I knew it was useless to ask.   But when I looked into your eyes, I saw compassion and kindness”

At the door of the old man’s house the rider stopped, looked up and silently prayed, “God, may I never get too busy with my own affairs that I fail to respond to the needs of others.”

And with that, PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON turned and directed his horse back toward the White House!   Copied from A fresh word for today!

PS  President Thomas Jefferson was the 2nd president in the White House.  One of his quotes,  “The only way our constitution can survive is to have a moral and spiritual people.”

VERSE   “Be kind to strangers, for some… have entertained angels without realizing it.” Hebrews 13:2

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Recently my family and I returned from our traditional winter get away in Scottsdale, AZ.. Nearby is Cave Creek, AZ, and what I call, Cowboy Town USA.  I was in town one afternoon and noticed a sign saying, BULLRIDING Event Tonight.  I pulled up and flagged down a worker, who explained it was coming back for the first time since March due to covid.

I jokingly asked if it was a part of the PBA (Professional Bull Riders Association).  Of course, it was locals who have not ridden in 8 months.  We got the tickets and got a front row seat.  Music started playing, a cowboy announcer got on the microphone and just a lot of good chaos followed.  About 7PM, ten cowboys came out into the sand, knelt down, took their hats off and a prayer was spoken.  Soon to follow was the American flag and a gal singing the national anthem. 

Next, some bulls arrived and they entered into one of the two stalls.

The crowd silenced and suddenly a chute opened and out came the first bucking bull with the rider lasting less than 5 seconds.  After about 6-8 riders, they announced it was the last ride and this would be the first bull riding event for this cowboy.

The gate opened and to everyone’s amazement, the bull just walked out toward the middle of the ring.  The rider tried desperately to get the bull to buck him off,  assisted by the clowns, but to no avail. 

The disappointed rider got off, who by now had ridden the longest, thus winning the award for the longest ride and the bull just looked around as if to say, “did I do something wrong?” and off he went out the gate. The entire crowd including us had the loudest laugh we could ever remember, of course feeling a bit sorry for the cowboy. Yes, we got our money’s worth, Plus.


Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”   Yes, the cowboy was disappointed and upset, but I guess he will be back on another bull.  Your life at this time may be filled with difficulties and pain as you face another day.  That ride, event, activity, job you thought would be like the thrilling bull ride, turned out to be embarrassing, heartless, boring, and empty.   You may be asking, “What day is my joy coming?”   I can promise you, you will wake up one morning and that peace and joy will return.

Saying of the Day: Defeat is not the worst of failures, not to try is true failure. If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

Song of the Day:  ‘Count Your Blessings” by Rend Collective

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In 1971, I was in Bible College preparing for a ministry with youth somewhere.  I worked for my father in heavy construction up until my accident in 1973.   I had attended camp as a youth, which had a great impact on my life, and worked in the camping ministry several summers.  We (my father and I) had been looking for some property in the area to start a camp.  In 1971 just 5 miles from where we lived, we were told of 40 acres of land along the Root River, which my father purchased. The ranch got legally started in May of 1976.

Here are some of the principles I have tried to follow the last 50 years:

  • Proverbs 15:1 “A soft answer turns away wrath, but grievous words stir up anger”

  • Proverbs 15:22 “In the multitude of counselors there is safely, but without counsel purposes are disappointing”

  • Proverbs 22:1 “A good name is better than great riches.”

  • Colossians 3:23 Camp verse to this day. “ Whatever you do, do it heartily unto the Lord and not unto men.”

  • I Corinthians 15:58 - I have shared this verse every summer to the staff and leaders:

    “Be steadfast, unmovable abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing your labor is not wasted”

The word PERSEVERANCE has been my rock over the years.  I always say that some of your dreams and goals are not available today and can not be purchased.   They are only available if you are willing to persevere.  As I say, Don’t quit, finish strong!

  • Ironwood - is a type of tree that grows throughout the ranch.

  • Springs – it is located along the Root River, providing heating/cooling for the Miracle Lodge.

  • Christian – We wanted this as our focus of sharing Christ with others.

  • Ranch – I wanted a ranch style camp with horses and plenty of outdoor activities. 

NOTE: Our first budget in 1976 was $40,000 for the year, which seemed impossible.

Need a boost of encouragement for the soul? Check out a message called “Soul Repair” from

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My wife Jode and I recently spent a few days in Florida. While attending church and visiting the coffee shop,  the above sign was on the wall.  What a GREAT REMINDER  how we should start each day.

My wife Jode and I recently spent a few days in Florida. While attending church and visiting the coffee shop,  the above sign was on the wall.  What a GREAT REMINDER  how we should start each day.

3o years ago on Valentine’s day I made a great decision in asking Jode to marry me. I had a campfire burning down along the Root River where we went and she gave the right answer. I have been blessed beyond measure the past 30 years having Jode by m…

3o years ago on Valentine’s day I made a great decision in asking Jode to marry me. I had a campfire burning down along the Root River where we went and she gave the right answer. I have been blessed beyond measure the past 30 years having Jode by my side.   Besides being a beautiful wife and  mother of 4 daughters she provides daily encouragement and love. Happy Valentines Day on the 14th.

Quotes from God’s little instruction book!

  • The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.

  • If God be your partner, make your plans large.

  • A man is not finished when he is defeated, he is finished when he quits.

  • Motivation is when your dreams put on work clothes.

  • The world belongs to the one who is wise enough to change their mind in the presence of facts.

Three things cause a lack of PEACE – 1) the unknown, the unlikely and the uncontrollable.

Phillipians 4:6 reminds us….”Tell God your needs and be grateful and you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can understand. His Peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”

One of my favorites, Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you.”

GREAT SONG TO LISTEN TO from the 60’s.”We believe in happy endings.” by Earl Thomas Conley and Emmylou Harris.

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Great winter family fun!

“Service”  Romans 12:9-20

“Let your love be without __________ and hypocrisy. Do right thou the __________ fall. Let your love be shown to others on an __________ basis. 

Love people and use things.  Never be found slack in your service, but rather be ________. Make sure what you do you can do it _____________.   Remember, a happy life is not always doing what you like, it is liking to do what you have to do.  Be one who practices hospitality, from a giving generous heart.

Don’t give your __________ what they have coming, it has no ___________.  Ask God to help you to be able to rejoice when your brother prospers, not feeling envy.

Be able to ____________ with those who are going thru difficult struggles.  Always have as a goal to keep your accounts settled with people.   Be willing to receive ______________ at times from someone of less stature than yourself.    Don’t become associated with conceited and proud people, it will lower your ______________ for God.

Don’t always try and balance the scales of keeping even, God does a much better job of giving our rewards.    Be eager to help others who don’t have it coming.  Follow these principles

And your ______________ will be blessed.

WORDS TO CHOOSE FROM:  (Top to bottom) wax, stars, unconditional, diligent, cheerfully, enemies, reward, grieve, correction, usefulness, service.

To all of you today I want to say be encouraged, inspired and filled with hope. Miracles Happen.

God is good.

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Your 2021 MARATHONS OF LIFE is off and running
The day before this photo was taken, the woods were all brown. I woke up and looked out the window and took this photo. It reminded me of Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may last for the night, but JOY comes in the morning”

The day before this photo was taken, the woods were all brown. I woke up and looked out the window and took this photo. It reminded me of Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may last for the night, but JOY comes in the morning”

You will understand 2021 much better if you relate it to a marathon. I know many of you have not run or wheeled one and that is completely understandable, but we all are in the Marathons of Life.  Just a reminder that marathons (I did 100 of them) are long (26.2 miles)  One of the most important words in completing a marathon is your FOCUS.   Without an intentional focus, distractions creep in and negative things happen.   Don’t worry, its happened to me.

I was recently looking thru some old folders and came across some REMINDERS from 2017. HERE WERE MY 10 REMINDERS:

  1. Take pride in all you do and remember who you are doing it for.

  2. Have respect for everyone in their area of responsibility.

  3. Return things that you borrow.  

  4. Provide a helping hand when needed.  

  5. Watch your words “Let no unholy words come from your lips, but only that which builds others up.” Eph. 4:32.  

  6. Common sense goes a long way. 

  7. You don’t have to always be right.   

  8. Your time is not more important than another person’s time.  

  9. My prayer is for you to be FRUITFUL in your work.

  10. You may have to let go of your comfort zone at times.

CUTEST BABY CONTEST:  Our daughter Birdie entered our 5 month old grandson Thomas.  For those interested, I need your help in voting.  Go to this link – see photo and vote.

A gal I knew in college (late 60’s) recently contacted me and reminded me of Exodus 14:13, which she had underlined in her Bible after I had given a message to college students. Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid, just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you - JUST STAY CALM.”

Ironwood SpringsComment
A lot to SMILE about!
Here is something that will make you smile.  A winter sleigh ride through the woods of Ironwood Springs!

Here is something that will make you smile. A winter sleigh ride through the woods of Ironwood Springs!

Yes, in spite of all the challenges and setbacks in 2020,  we do have many blessings to count. Chuck Swindoll mentioned on the radio this morning that all of us who are listening to his talk, live in the top 8% of the blessed people of the world regardless of our current challenges. Here are some reminders as we take 2021 one day at a time:

  • Look to the future.  The greatest destroyer of a bright future is DWELLING on the past.

  • Did we not all get a reminder that “Life at its best is fragile and short?”

  • It is very important how you start out your day. Always have a quiet time.  Devotion and prayer time of giving thanks and leaving the outcome of the day in His hands.  A recent TV ad from a gas company said, “When you are off to a better start you will have a Better day”. So true.

  • One of our biggest challenges this year that will get us into the most trouble is the words we speak.  As one of my office signs says, “Bark less and Wag More”. “Set a guard O Lord over my mouth, keep watch over the door of my lips.” Psalm 141:2 

  • A good reminder just when you thing you did it all. An elephant and a mouse cross over the bridge and the mouse says to the elephant, we sure did shake that bridge didn’t we.

  • Big God, Big Dream, Big Community.

SONG of the Day:  Take one breath and then take another, take one step and then take another….

VERSE for the Day : “Satisfy us each morning with your unfailing love, so that we may sing for JOY to the end of our lives.”  Psalm 90:14

TAKEAWAY:  Let me be a little kinder, let me be a little blinder to the faults of those around me, let me praise a little more.

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