Giving God Excuses!

 A happy July to all of you. Summer for us like most of you is busy with lots of fun family events such as picnics, vacations, ball games, church and plenty of projects.

 This is my 5th words of encouragement from the above book. It is the story of Moses in the Old Testament who God called to rescue His people from slavery. Moses was stunned by God’s command and felt God’s timing was extremely strange. After 40 years of living as the privileged son of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, he was now a fugitive, a nobody, living in the desert.

What we do and the timing of God’s plan for our life may seem just as strange. We feel inadequate, not qualified, not prepared, yet we know in our heart that God leads those who stop and listen to Him. When we respond to God, “Ordinary people can receive power for extraordinary change.” All of Moses excuses to duck out became irrelevant. Moses obeyed and was used as God’s instrument to deliver His people out of slavery. 

We each have Pharaohs to face. Stop and listen to God and you can become a mighty conduit for His work in this world.

In my own recent experience, after 2+ years of planning, waiting, delays, and when asked when we will be getting our building permit for the 3 cabins, my response was always, “Today we are another day closer.”  It is a good thing I was sitting down when the call came on June 30th at 2:15, that  we can begin construction of our BIG GOD, BIG DREAM, BIG COMMUNITY (Three cabins).

“Except the Lord build the house (cabins) they labor in vain that build them.” Psalm 127:1

Miracles Happen!