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Birdie finishing her half marathon.

Birdie finishing her half marathon.

Founders Lodge gets a new much needed new roof.

Founders Lodge gets a new much needed new roof.

Happy Wednesday September 15  I trust this mid-September finds you well with all the changes that come with the fall season.   Some of the obvious changes include:  fall colors, harvesting of crops, squirrels packing away walnuts, final cutting of the lawn, bringing in the 3rd crop of hay, lumberjacking for winter, cool nights and shorter days. I also spend time reflecting back over the summer.

FAMILY:  How your priorities can change when you become a  grandpa/grandma of two grandsons. Tommy is now 13 months and Sully is 3 months.  Jode and I treasure the times we get to share with them and their parents.  I pray we will be intentional  and practice diligence in raising them to the Glory  of God.  We as a family visited the replica of the Ark as recorded in the book of Genesis, just outside of Cincinnati, Ohio.  Be sure and put that on your bucket list – Photo above is Birdie (one of our triplets) doing her 3rd half marathon in Rochester, MN.  I bowed out due to a sore left arm, but God willing I will be back next time.   

RANCH:  We have had a terrific summer exceeding our expectations.  Tracy, our Executive Director just met with our staff and shared some of the summer highlights.  We cooked nearly 10,000 meals serving 2,000 people.  Since the National Wheelchair Sports Camp in June, our weeks have been busy.  One of my memories was the week we served 3 different groups.  1) Grandparent/Grandchild week 2) Horse-n-trail camp 3) Operation Welcome Home – military family camp.   We have also been blessed with your time, talent, and treasure – thank you!

CABINS AND REC CENTER: We have made great progress on the remodel of the Rec Center and have continual reminders of the need for more space and the building of the three cabins.  We are approaching 2 years since our work on the cabins began.  That reminds me of the word ultra-marathon.  Marathons are 26.2 miles but my one ultra-marathon was wheeling from Rochester to the Mendota bridge in Mpls about 75 miles. Keep in mind they both have a start and finish line. We are definitely getting closer to having our permit. We just heard this week that the engineers, MPCA (both state and local) have met to move our cabin request forward. I remind you that God’s delays are not God’s denials.  His timing will be perfect knowing each day we are one day closer. I can not wait to share the good news that we can begin.  

“I will bless the Lord who guides me, even at night my heart instructs me.  I know the Lord is always with me.  I will not be shaken, for He is right beside me.”  Psalm 16:7-9  

On the wall at Cabin Coffee in Stewartvillle: “Tell your story, Share your gifts, Count your blessings and Keep your chin up.”

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