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Recently my family and I returned from our traditional winter get away in Scottsdale, AZ.. Nearby is Cave Creek, AZ, and what I call, Cowboy Town USA.  I was in town one afternoon and noticed a sign saying, BULLRIDING Event Tonight.  I pulled up and flagged down a worker, who explained it was coming back for the first time since March due to covid.

I jokingly asked if it was a part of the PBA (Professional Bull Riders Association).  Of course, it was locals who have not ridden in 8 months.  We got the tickets and got a front row seat.  Music started playing, a cowboy announcer got on the microphone and just a lot of good chaos followed.  About 7PM, ten cowboys came out into the sand, knelt down, took their hats off and a prayer was spoken.  Soon to follow was the American flag and a gal singing the national anthem. 

Next, some bulls arrived and they entered into one of the two stalls.

The crowd silenced and suddenly a chute opened and out came the first bucking bull with the rider lasting less than 5 seconds.  After about 6-8 riders, they announced it was the last ride and this would be the first bull riding event for this cowboy.

The gate opened and to everyone’s amazement, the bull just walked out toward the middle of the ring.  The rider tried desperately to get the bull to buck him off,  assisted by the clowns, but to no avail. 

The disappointed rider got off, who by now had ridden the longest, thus winning the award for the longest ride and the bull just looked around as if to say, “did I do something wrong?” and off he went out the gate. The entire crowd including us had the loudest laugh we could ever remember, of course feeling a bit sorry for the cowboy. Yes, we got our money’s worth, Plus.


Psalm 30:5 “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning”   Yes, the cowboy was disappointed and upset, but I guess he will be back on another bull.  Your life at this time may be filled with difficulties and pain as you face another day.  That ride, event, activity, job you thought would be like the thrilling bull ride, turned out to be embarrassing, heartless, boring, and empty.   You may be asking, “What day is my joy coming?”   I can promise you, you will wake up one morning and that peace and joy will return.

Saying of the Day: Defeat is not the worst of failures, not to try is true failure. If at first you don’t succeed, try again.

Song of the Day:  ‘Count Your Blessings” by Rend Collective

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