Here are some photos and other tidbits to encourage you.

Photo 1 – To start out your day with a sunrise like this, I had to pull over and take the photo.  “From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the Lord’s name is to be praised” Psalm 113.

Photo 2 – My wife Jode recently put this sign in our garage as you enter our house.  “Let me have eyes that see the best in others, a heart that forgives the worst, hands that help others, and a soul that never loses faith.” I have it memorized now so I can recite it throughout the day.

Photo 3 – The summer of 1967 I worked at Horn Creek Ranch in Colorado.  Two texans showed up on staff and I don’t think they had heard of Minnesota.  All summer long I encouraged them to attend Pillsbury Bible College in Owatonna, Mn in the Fall where I was attending.  To my utter surprise, who should show up on opening day at Pillsbury.  They finished college, met their spouses and went on the next 45+ years back in Texas serving in Christian schools and colleges. Sid, on the left, and Gene (who I always call Tex) showed up a few weeks ago at Pillsbury to celebrate the reunion of the college being open 50 years.

Boston Marathon – Monday was the running of the 125th Boston Marathon. It brought back memories from 1996 when I competed in the 100th Boston Marathon. I went on later to do 5 Boston marathons, spuring me on to write a book called, “The Marathons of Life.”

reviveourhearts.com this past week: I listened to a talk by Nancy Leigh DeMoss. The name of her talk was called HEAVEN RULES.  After listening to her message I was so uplifted and reminded that God is and always will be in control.

Rejoice in the Lord “Even tho the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vines, even tho the olive crops fail, and the field lay empty and barren, & the cattle barns are empty, YET I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in the God of my Salvation. Habakkuk 3:14-17

Handicap van for sale  A friend of the ranch has a 2011 Honda Odyssey minivan for sale. If you know of anyone looking of a good conversion van with a good price, let me know.

 “I waited quietly for the Lord, for my VICTORY comes from Him” Psalm 62: 1

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