Overflow with Thankfulness - Colossians 2:7
I don’t think I will be sharing anything new outside of the photos and stories, but we all need daily reminders to count our blessings. The Bible repeats several times “…to give thanks always for all things.” For me to understand that, I take it to mean that in all our circumstances, troubles, disappointments and heartaches, we are to take time to think of how worse things could be and be reminded that God can turn all our troubles into good. Three examples:
Jim Martinson was severally injured in Vietnam leaving him without his legs. Because of that injury, he has gone on to make a difference in the lives of thousands of people.
While Dana Bowman was in the military, he was doing a routine parachute jump with a partner and they collided midair, severing both of Dana’s legs. Dana has gone on to be a national speaker sharing his story of faith and courage
Veit Le, a marathon runner was stricken with a stroke and says that, “It was easier to run a marathon than to pick up a cheerio one at a time and put into a bowl.” All three of these people have come and shared their story at Ironwood.
I just got a reminder from Tee It Up For The Troops to be thankful for Faith, Family, Freedom, Flag, Friends and I will add two more - Food and Fun.
I know tomorrow (Thanksgiving Day) may be a very difficult day for many of you because of Covid-19, but I want to encourage you to make the best of it and to take time to intentionally think of things that you are thankful for and share it with those around you, either in person or virtually.
Verse for the Day: “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good, His love endures forever.” I Chronicles 16:34