16,565 extra days is the number of days from my accident until the book went to the publisher. If you or someone you know needs a good dose of encouragement, consider buying this book by emailing the office at office@ironwoodsprings.com or calling the office 507 533-4315. The cost is $20 and all proceeds go to Ironwood Springs. I will sign the book and send it to you. Here are some of the topics:
Personal Challenges
Family Life
Life with Disabilities
Life at the Ranch
There’s more to my Journey
There are 25 chapters along with some homework and 40+ photos. $20.00
Since my last blog a week ago, lots of things have happened in my life and I am sure in your life as well - I will mention a few. Celebrated thanksgiving with family; got a deer while deer hunting; delivered 16 pies to neighbors; heard of the death of a wheelchair friend; sawed lumber at a local sawmill; counseled a friend who is not sure life is worth living; and celebrated another week of my life. I also finished reading Mike Huckabee’s book – ‘Do the Right Thing’. One of the best examples of volunteering is the army of volunteers that joined Mike in his run for President. When the volunteers (people who were willing to do anything, anytime for anybody) were asked why they supported him and sacrificed so much is because he was a man of integrity, honor, faith and vision. His cause was clearly to ‘change the world’. It reminded me the army of volunteers at Ironwood.
Seven Wonders of the World. A teacher asked her elementary class to write down what they thought might be the Seven Wonders of the World. They did a good job mentioning the Grand Canyon, Empire State Building, Great Wall of China, Panama canal, etc. One student did not write down anything. When asked, she said she was thinking and came up with her answer to the Seven Wonders of the World, which were sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, laughter, and love. A reminder that all of us have been given the Seven Wonders of the World by our creator.
Song of the day: Silent Night by Mercy Me
Saying of the day: “The greatest motivator to the starting five on a basketball team is the bench” Roy Williams – N. Carolina - Tar Heels.
Verse of the Day – 1st day of Advent – Isaiah 40:3-6 … Prepare ye the way of the Lord….