One of over 50 retreats serving our military families the past 11 years (Operation Welcome Home). We are excited to serve our military again in 2021. “All gave some, Some gave all” Thanks for your continued support and thank a Veteran today.
This is also deer hunting season. This photo was taken years ago. It is a photo of Jack hanging out with Tinkerbell. Tinkerbell hung around the ranch for several years. She was both tame and wild. She loved coming into the dining hall and having a plate of pancakes before going back into the woods.
With the prediction of warm weather, I decided to hunt for the 1st time in about 10 years. I hunt from my golf cart, which is wheelchair friendly. Besides my golf cart scaring them, they can sure hid in the bushes. I have seen 20-30 deer, turkeys, ducks and squirrels, not to mention the beauty of the woods. No venison yet, may go home with mostly photos and priceless memories.
Morning devotions: I read from Our Daily Bread, another good one is the Upper Room and maybe you have your own. This morning was a touching story about a MIA and later a POW that returned home to surprise his family.
Song for the day: Lee Greenwood “God bless the USA” Lee sang that song at Ironwood at the Miracles Happen Festival.
Verse for the Day: “Godliness makes a nation great, but sin is a disgrace to any people” Proverbs 14:34
Saying for the day: “We don’t know them all, but we owe them all” “May we think of Freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right”
Miracles Happen. Spread Love and kindness.
Bob Bardwell