Let PEACE Reign by Letting Him Reign

A PEACE sign at the tubing hill – A primary focus of mine in 2023. Proverbs 14:30

Feeding finch, mourning doves, blue jays, woodpeckers, and notice 2 cardinals in the background waiting patiently their turn.

A new definition of perseverance or as some would say an example of the expression, “Pulling Your  Leg”. Grandson, who I call TT, was letting me know, take off your brakes PaPa or get pulled out of your chair.

His name is called Wonderful-Counselor-Mighty-God-Everlasting Father-Prince of PEACE.

As we all are soon to close out another year, It reminds me that at the end of every marathon (26.2 miles) I would take time to reflect back over the miles of the challenges/tailwinds/steep hills…   and give credit where credit is due when reaching the finish line. One word that will stick out above many others this past year is the word PEACE. The definition of PEACE is “The calmness of heart that God is in control and will do for us what is BEST.”The word PEACE took roots in my heart mostly when I spent 2+ months in the hospital to gain back my health. The opposite of peace is stress, adversity, unrest, discouragement, brokenness, no joy, life isn’t fair and the list goes on. It became very clear to me that while in the hospital I had daily PEACE ROBBERS. They are on active duty 24/7 in all our lives.

God in His goodness gave me Proverbs 14:30, “A heart at peace, gives life to the body.”   Some of the ways that helped me ward off the ‘peace robbers’ were to 1) just let it go (hard to do) 2) let them have it 3) be anxious for nothing and mostly give it to GOD, He can work it out and has my life in His hands. It all comes down to your level of TRUST. 

Romans 12:18 “If at all possible…live at peace with everyone”. John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world giveth…Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” Isaiah 26:3 “You will be kept in perfect peace if your mind is steadfast because you TRUST in me.”   Remember as we close out a year and begin the new 2023 – we don’t know what the future holds, but we know who holds the future. CHOOSE JOY    My favorite Christmas song is “ O Holy Night” says it all – His law is LOVE, His gospel is PEACE. Have a happy new year!

Bob Bardwell, bob@ironwoodsprings.com  

Miracles Happen.   Thankful and Blessed.  

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